Abbeville Memorial COGIC Centennial Celebration

Abbeville Memorial COGIC Centennial Celebration

Thanks for joining the AMC family in celebrating 100 years of service in Abbeville, Alabama!

The logo for Abbeville Memorial Church of God in Christ (AMC) represents the history that began in 1922 in the city of Abbeville. The Cross symbolized the message preached by the AMC leaders, including the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, our Christ. At the foot of the Cross are rocks representing the solid foundation that the early Saints instilled within each other and the Abbeville community. The white dove in flight symbolizes a significant fact that the ongoing leadership must submit to the direction of the Holy Spirit, Who constantly guides the Saints. 

Logo designed by Bridget Baker Bryant

Freelance Web Designer

AMC History

According to the Church of God in Christ Official Manual, this church of the Lord Jesus Christ is where the Word of God is preached, ordinances are administered, and the doctrine of sanctification or holiness is essential to the salvation of mankind.  The word HOLINESS is used to highlight the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the lifestyle one must live.  “Without holiness, no man can see the Lord” (Hebrew 12:14). In the early 1900s, preachers and missionaries spoke and proclaimed this message of holiness and sanctification to the people of Abbeville. Individuals such as Elder Cue, Elder McMillian, Elder Floyd, and Missionary Floyd, to name a few, preached this message to the citizens of this rural, agrarian community. This community began to hunger for the truth about the Gospel and the power necessary to live such a holy life. These early believers possessed extraordinary gifts, which they created spiritual songs and praises to glorify the Father in the name of Jesus Christ.  One example is as follows:


 Little boy, how old are you?

 I’m only twelve years old,

 Born on the 25th of December,

 Doctors and Lawyers stood amazed,

 Just give that little boy Praise.

                                                                                   Elder Cue


This small band of believers began worshipping in temporary make-shift structures known as bush harbors.  The men would construct a bush harbor by erecting four stable branches in each corner, using limbs as connectors to stabilize the four branches creating an unwavering rooftop.  Then, they would cover the rooftop with bushes, twigs, shrubs, cardboard, and other light items to keep the sun from shining into the area.   Once the outer frame of the structure was finished, the men would place sawdust on the ground for the floor and wooden planks or slabs on a stack of blocks for benches to seat the women and children. A wooden stomp would be placed in the front as a podium for the man of God to speak. Under the bush harbor, people would gather to sing praises and worship their Savior, Jesus Christ.  Many services were held in these bush harbors as a longing for the peace of God was instilled in the people of this community.

In 1922, the Church of God in Christ was established in Abbeville, Alabama, under the direction of the renowned Bishop Riley F. Williams.  Bishop Charles Mason, the founder and organizer of the Church of God in Christ, sent this anointed servant of God to Alabama with the commission as noted in Matthew 28:19: Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Bishop Williams resided in Ohio, but he would spend months in Abbeville teaching the saints the way of holiness and the doctrine of sanctification as being essential to the salvation of mankind. The question then arose, how did a man from Ohio end up in Abbeville? The answer is obvious, the working on the Holy Ghost because the story is told as follows: Bishop Williams was in Florida and requested to purchase a train ticket into Alabama as far as he could go. At that time, that train last stop occurred in Abbeville. When he got off the train, he started walking and heard a group of ladies talking about a revival. This conversation gave him confidence that he was in the right place. Then, he continued walking toward the African American community, and a lady sitting on her porch saw this stranger walking into the community. This woman recognized the man from a dream and shouted to her family, "That is the man I saw in my dreams." When Bishop Williams reached her with the leading of the Holy Ghost, he placed his hand on her head, and she received the Holy Ghost and began speaking in tongues. From this convert Missionary Minnie Lee Jones, AMC became a reality.

Bishop Williams is credited with building over 19 churches throughout Alabama, Georgia, and Ohio.  Because of Bishop Williams, the doctrinal foundation among the members of AMC became solid and firm in the Word of God.  Under his leadership, the church membership expanded from a bush harbor to a tent and a building. Later, he was appointed by Bishop Mason as Overseer of Alabama, Georgia, and Ohio. The saints recalled many memories of Bishop R. Williams during his tenure in Alabama. 

In 1924, the AMC building burned. It was rumored that a white man who lived near the church burned it because the saints made too much noise during these nightly services. However, within a year, the brethren constructed a new building under the leadership of Elder James Manor, where it stands today. This temporary setback only reminded the saints that persecution is inevitable when one decides to follow Jesus. So, this alleged arson only strengthened their faith in holiness, and many souls were added to the church. The size of the building increased when the brethren rebuilt it, and it became the largest African American church in the area. Because of this excitement of shouting and rejoicing in the Holy Ghost, people from around the area would come and stand outside peering into the windows just to glimpse as the saints rejoiced and glorified their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, in the Holy Ghost. Many stories are told among the Saints about men and women rejoicing in the Lord. One brother named Deacon George Smith would balance himself like an acrobat on the back of the pews while walking and rejoicing in the Lord. The preachers’ messages were so exciting that the Church became so crowded during these services that the men would eagerly give their seats for the ladies to sit. This rural church in Abbeville really resembled the early church as Luke described in Acts 2:1-4 when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place…And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

One of Bishop Williams’ goals was to establish a church school to educate the young people of this community.  This school was organized in the church during the early years. Again, the right people with an anointing from God came to this rural community to serve; they were Sister Eufaula Franklin and Sister Sally Baldwin. The two blood sisters left Birmingham, Alabama, with a serving spirit and a desire to educate the Saints' children in a rural community far from the city. Many African Americans did not have access to public education during this time, especially in the rural parts of Alabama. The students in this school were grouped according to age and grade level. The enrollment consisted of 25 to 35 children.  During the 1940s, a school building was constructed out of concrete blocks by Deacon Charles Vaughn, Brother Dot Peterman, and other carpenters in the church.  This building consisted of five classrooms and an auditorium. 

Later the Henry County Board of Education opened segregated public schools for African Americans throughout the various communities in Henry County. Since there were no government funds to subsidize the cost of attending the church (private) school, the doors were closed. However, the Saints had pleasurable and rich memories of this school from these two sisters. Before public schools for grades K-12 developed, they provided "Christian Education" for a nominal fee for many years. Truly, Sister Franklin and Sister Baldwin exemplified the true meaning of servanthood as demonstrated by Jesus in Mark 9: 36-37, “And he took a child, and set him in the midst of them: and when he had taken him in his arms, he said unto them, Whosoever shall receive one of such children in my name, receiveth me: and whosoever shall receive me, receiveth not me, but him that sent me.”

The two blood sisters left Birmingham, Alabama, with a serving spirit and a desire to educate the Saints' children in a rural community far from the city. Many African Americans did not have access to public education during this time, especially in the rural parts of Alabama. The students in this school were grouped according to age and grade level. The enrollment consisted of 25 to 35 children.  During the 1940s, a school building was constructed out of concrete blocks by Deacon Charles Vaughn, Brother Dot Peterman, and other carpenters in the church.  This building consisted of five classrooms and an auditorium. 


Later the Henry County Board of Education opened segregated public schools for African Americans throughout the various communities in Henry County. Since there were no government funds to subsidize the cost of attending the church (private) school, the doors were closed. However, the Saints had pleasurable and rich memories of this school from these two sisters. Before public schools for grades K-12 developed, they provided "Christian Education" for a nominal fee for many years. Truly, Sister Franklin and Sister Baldwin exemplified the true meaning of servanthood as demonstrated by Jesus in Mark 9: 36-37, “And he took a child, and set him in the midst of them: and when he had taken him in his arms, he said unto them, Whosoever shall receive one of such children in my name, receiveth me: and whosoever shall receive me, receiveth not me, but him that sent me.”

AMC continued to thrive under many ordained elders: Elder D. W. McMillian, Elder Manor, Elder M.W. Davis, Elder J.T. Rowe, Elder H. Ming, and Elder J.C. McLeod. All worked faithfully to move the church forward by feeding the Saints the true Word of God as pastors and elders. All the pastors were special to the Saints at AMC. After the founder, Bishop Williams, Elder Manor assumed the role of pastor, and Elder Rowe followed him. After Elder Rowe, Elder Davis became the lead pastor until he married one of the Saints’ children. To avoid favoritism within the congregation, Elder Davis relinquished his role to Elder Ming. Following Elder Ming, Elder Davis returned as the pastor and served until his death. Afterward, Elder McLeod became the pastor and served until October 2010, in which Elder Larry Newman became the pastor until September 12, 2013. Our congregation at AMC is currently led by Elder Vincent Brown as pastor.